Explosive Situation Unfolds: Arrest Warrant Issued for Cooperstown Man

Richard H. Sutcliffe
Richard H. Sutcliffe

COOPERSTOWN, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – The rural tranquility of Cooperstown, North Dakota was shattered as the Grand Forks bomb squad descended on the residence of Richard H. Sutcliffe. Griggs County Sheriff, Amber Lee Michis, confirmed the investigation but withheld details [1]. Sutcliffe, already facing serious charges including reckless endangerment and domestic violence, now has an arrest warrant pending.

In April, Sutcliffe’s alleged violent actions came to light when a distressing 911 call reported screams of terror. Officers arrived to find a woman with severe injuries, accusing Sutcliffe of forcing her to fire a gun before assaulting her.

Despite the bomb squad’s presence, Sutcliffe remains elusive, his whereabouts unknown. As the community awaits further developments, questions linger about the potential danger lurking in Sutcliffe’s home.

I’m Casey Rivers reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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