Exclusive: Trio Charged with Kidnapping in Moorhead, Minnesota Escapes Dramatically

MOORHEAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A trio is charged with kidnapping a woman in Moorhead, Minnesota. They allegedly tied her up the basement of a Moorhead home, buy she was able to escape.
Jamie White of Moorhead, Sheridan Carlson of Detroit Lakes and April Lundgren of Fargo have all been charged.
we have a dramatic story of escape from
a kidnapping in Morehead Minnesota this
Trio has each been charged with
kidnapping charged are Jamie R white of
Morehead M Sheridan L Carlson of Detroit
Lakes and April L lungren of Fargo shown
here in a booking photo from
2012 reading from the criminal complaint
a statement of probable cause quote on
October 25th an individual identified as
KB Hereafter the victim went to the
address of 11051 12 Street South in
Morehead which was the house where jimie
Richard white Liv the victim went to the
address belonging to White along with
two other associates of hers the victim
stated she had gone to White’s residence
with the intention of selling some
marijuana to White Once the victim was
at the residence she stated white was
not interested in purchasing marijuana
from her that he had enough of his own
at the time white then left the
residence for a short
period of time and later returned Upon
returning white became upset and
believed the victim or her Associates
had stolen some methamphetamine from the
residents and that he wanted it return
the victim told white they had not taken
any meth from him the victim stated that
after approximately 15 to 20 minutes the
two of her associates left and the
victim agreed to stay at the residence
and help white look for the alleged
missing meth the victim stated that she
attempted to look around around the
residence but nothing was found the
victim stated she continued to tell
white she had nothing to do with The
Disappearance of the drugs but white was
not convinced victim stated that white
produced a handgun and pointed it at the
victim and threatened the victim several
times that he was going to shoot the
victim at one point two of White’s
friends came to the residence identified
as Sheridan Carlson and April lungren uh
the victim stated that she had two cell
phones in her POS possession when she
went to White’s residence the victim
stated white wanted the victim to return
her cell phones over to him so he could
look at them the victim refused and put
the two phones into her bra area the
victim stated white began to fight with
the victim and attempted to take the
phones from the victim the victim stated
that Carlson and lungren each grab
grabbed one of her arms and attempted to
restrain her while white reached into
her bra the victim stated that a
struggle ensued and that she along with
white Carlson and long
all fell on the ground the victim stated
white was able to get one of her phones
from her during the struggle
additionally white took the victim’s
identification card and pay card from
her the victim stated she remains in
White’s home into the morning hours of
October 26th when white stated that he
need to go to work by 6:30 a.m. the
victim stated that white Carlson and
lungren began discussing restraining the
victim in the basement until white
returned home from work later in in the
day the victim stated white retrieved a
zip ties and told the victim to turn
around so he could restrain her in zip
ties white also made the victim remove
her pants and bra because white Carlson
and lungren believed those items might
have metal in them the victim could use
to cff through the zip ties and free
herself the victim was escorted to the
basement by white Carlson and lungren
victims stated that she was then
restrained with the zip ties to her
hands behind her back victim was also
restrained with tape around her wrists
and legs victim was then restrained to a
pole in the basement by zip ties and
taped to a chair finally the victim
stated that a red bandan was put into
the victim’s mouth and tape was placed
across her mouth so she could not scream
the victim stated she was left in the
basement and eventually she believed
white Carlson and lungren all left the
residence the victim was able to get one
of her earrings out of her ear and used
it to start cutting at the zip ties the
victim stated eventually the earring
broke but she was able to get a drywall
screw and use the that the rest of the
way to cut through the zip ties the
victim stated once she cut through the
zip ties she removed the tape and ran
out of the house the victim ran to the
neighbor’s house where who she did not
know and asked to call 911 the neighbor
called 911 and the victim made contact
with police the detective was assigned
to the case and eventually a search
warrant was completed on the address
here of 11 5 12 Street South inside the
house numerous items were located that
cooperated the victim statement
including the chair in the basement with
zous numerous zip ties cut away as well
as tape that had been cut through
Additionally the victim’s pants and bra
were located in a bag in White’s closet
also located in White’s home where a
pistol holder and a clip loaded with
ammunition white has been convict had
been convicted of a prior Crime Of
Violence fell Fon and is not eligible to
have possession of ammunition finally
located in White’s residence was a pound
of cocaine white was located as his
place of work and the detective
interviewed white white eventually
stated that he had quote messed up and
admitted to kidnapping and holding the
victim against her will at his residence
white admitted to threatening the victim
but stated he did not have a gun with
him when he threatened to kill the
victim white was found to be in
possession of the two cell phones her
identification card and her pay card I’m
Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. I didn't hear victim. I heard drug people, drug problems. Reminds me way back when I was younger. I guy stole a big weed plant from a guy who was illegally growing and actually called the cops to report it stolen. Lmao

  2. I had something similar happen. This is beyond the statute of limitations by quite a few years and the person has passed away since so I don't mind telling the story: Three of us went to Minneapolis to pick up. When we got back we went to my place. When we arrived we all partook and chilled out. This guy decided he wanted to do more so he started frantically looking for it. Nowhere to be found he started accusing my friend and I of stealing his stuff. He got in both of our faces a few times. Eventually he had enough so he said he was going to step outside and if his stuff was on the table no questions would be asked. If it didn't show up he said it would get very violent and someone was going to get seriously hurt. He went out and had a cigarette. When he came back in his stuff wasn't on the table. He got eerily calm, sat down on one of the recliners, took off his shoes, and he finally noticed the outline of the bag of stuff in his sock. It was there the entire time. He made it right by giving us some of his stuff since he put us through about two hours of bullshit for no reason. In this case, I would bet money one of two things happened: 1. He found a really good hiding spot and forgot about it. or 2. One of the two friends in the beginning of the story that came with the victim took his stuff. It would really suck going to prison for something so stupid but maybe he'll get one of those liberal judges who goes easy on these types of crimes. It's very weird that the victim would show up to sell the guy weed when he had plenty of his own and it's super easy to get a medical card now so the street dealer really isn't needed now. It's highly likely this victim sells more than just the devil's lettuce. Meth heads are absolutely nuts but they usually look at marijuana users as pretty harmless. Why would he think she took it otherwise? It's just a word case all around. She got out of multiple zip ties with an earing and a screw? That's impressive. Almost unbelievable. I'm not saying some of this stuff didn't happen but there are two sides to every story.

  3. I’m glad the victim was able to go to the police and be honest about what she was doing. Most women would not have gone to the police in fear of what the police would do the them for selling.

  4. There you go again, Minnesota. A VIOLENT person with a big drug habit using a victim and involving two other violent people. This is a fake Democracy state, where the government is primarily interested with not enforcing criminal justice, also your disgusting representative Omar is from this state, what could possibly go wrong. No gun was used outside. They used bodily strength to harm her!!!!

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