EXCLUSIVE: Survivor Of A Rodriguez Sexual Assault Reacts To News His Death Sentence Is Dismissed
CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Crookston woman, who was the victim of a Alphonso Rodriguez sexual assault in 1974 talks about today’s news that his death sentence for the murder of Dru Sjodin has been thrown out, and he’ll be re-sentenced. Shirley Iverson was 1 of 4 of Rodriguez’s victim’s, before he was convicted of murdering Dru Sjodin.
EXCLUSIVE: Sexual Assault Survivor Reacts to Overturned Death Sentence for Rodriguez

This is all totally ridiculous and just shows the government is a circus and has no respect or honor for women and the crimes against women.
Face of the Democratic party. Gets off death row by liberal appeals court. Before that patrolled after 24 years by new Democratic sentencing guidelines. Murdered Dru after being out of prison only a couple of months. Vote these nuts out in mid-terms.
This is outrageous, on what grounds did they throw the death sentence out? Neil try letting us know how this happened.
Put his ass in with general population
He should get 100 years and put away for life and don't get out!
If he was hung none of this would be going on now.
Sure he's living the life, not having worry bout his next meal, rent money, p.o.s.
God Bless You Shirley, you are a survivor. Dru Sjodin sadly was taken by this predator. I pray for Dru, this beautiful young woman.