Exclusive: Police Officer Slaps and Draws Gun on Fellow Officer During Dispute Over Trump-Biden Debate

GRAND RAPIDS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) No charges filed after a Grand Rapids, Minnesota police officer slapped and pulled a gun on another officer during a heated argument over Trump-Biden. We have an exclusive interview with a former State Patrol employee, who witnessed the incident.
uh Neil Berg here uh with a kind of a wild story out of grand rapids minnesota we had the investigation is now apparently wrapped up regarding one police officer slapping another police officer and pulling a gun on them in an argument over trump and biden one of those who witnessed the incident which happened where was january 23rd of 2021 at the grand rapids police department was tessa johnson who was then an employee of the minnesota state patrol um well thanks for talking to me um i guess can you just tell folks what basically happened in the break room well um like i had said in my statement to the bca we were having coffee and um there was four of us in the room myself the sergeant and the two other officers and um we were just hanging out as we do quite often and the two officers were in a discussion um bill saw and sean thompson were having a discussion political discussion and i don’t i don’t engage in political discussions so to be honest with you i’m not even sure what led up to the statements that were made prior to however it was some discussion on how biden is a pervert and he smells kids hair and what would you how would you feel if that happened to your kids i mean that was i would say that’s the the gist of it and that’s when uh officer shaw became very angry and stood up and stood over sean and had uh slapped him and not it was more of a condescending slap not a real hard one um and then as he had slapped him he had drew his his duty weapon and had held it above um pointed at sean and from what i recall was don’t ever talk about my children or don’t ever talk about my family like that or something to that effect and sean was in an office chair as bill was standing above him with his gun drawn and i don’t recall what else was what else was said from bill but sean leaned back in his uh he was leaning back in his chair trying to back away as far as he could without rolling away or saying anything or um just everything happened very quickly and then it was over and we re-holstered his duty weapon he sat down and then got back up and he left and shortly after sean left and then i i had left after that we were just we kind of i just sat there in stunned silence now i spoke with grand rapids mayor dale christie who wasn’t able to confirm the specifics in this incident he referred me to the city attorney who was out of town but the offender in the incident officer william saw apparently received a punishment of 10 days suspension without faith and sergeant heath smith the second witness received a five-day suspension without pay for apparently not reporting the incident and both of those officers received tens of thousands of dollars while they were on paid leave and the incident was being investigated for months no charges were ever filed we’ll have more information on all this when we get it from the city administrator or through open records laws i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me you


  1. Anyone with internet access can watch JB sniffing children, his daughters diary about being forced to shower with him… So people have a right to an informed opinion. Handling your emotional reactions to life and different people is part of growing into an adul, it needs to be taught in home way before children leave their home nest
    Your feelings never give one the right to put violent hands on another, especially because of different ideals of what has merit in a life well lived.

  2. sickening that the cop who assaulted the other cop still has his job – and his guns. there's a red flag warning that's being ignored, & when he actually shoots or assaults another person, the PD &city attorney should be held liable too. WTH is WRONG with these 'public servants' that they REFUSE to do what's right ?

  3. Couple things, the "victim" more then likely agreed with dropping the charges. If he wanted to pursue charges it would have been through a different county attorneys office due to a conflict of interest. As for the officer pulling his gun..yeah see ya. That is what is known as a liability.

  4. Haha. Ok, we hear about this. But what’s this mentally fragile cop been doing on the street? Nobody would believe the victim, because cops are always right.

  5. Well several of us called these news agencies and they are actually doing their job. Sure makes Grand Rapids and Itasca County look corrupt and non-transparent. Proud of this eyewitness that has come forward and told the truth about what happened that day. It's mind-boggling that officer Carlson who knew about this incident after it happened did nothing. Didn't report it and actually tried to discredit and victimize the victim. Telling him he has six more years there and everybody will be mad at him if he reports it. Keep in mind the statute say that if you're an officer and you know about a crime whether you're on duty or off duty you have an obligation to report it. Carlson is running for Itasca County Sheriff. I can't believe anybody would vote for this guy. You will have zero transparency and you wil have more cover ups of wrong doing.

  6. That needs to be added that this is corruption at its worst. The victim was put on a gag order and he knew if he spoke about it he would never get any promotions and a possibility even try firing him. One of the reasons being is the perpetrator officer saw is the son-in-law of the chief of police in Grand Rapids and his best friend is Sergeant Carlson who's running for Itasca County Sheriff he's the last one we need is a Seraph zero transparency and covering up a crime

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