Exclusive: Investigation into the Expansion of Juvenile Sex Inquiry Involving Bemidji Area Men

BEMIDJI, MN (trfnews.i234.me) An investigation regarding allegations of a juvenile girl having sex with men around Bemidji is widening. It appears charges could be filed against nearly a dozen men soon.
Neil Berg here in piji late on a Friday afternoon with some uh breaking developments on a couple of different stories now earlier this year you remember we told you about a 12-year-old who was raped a one man has been charged in that case also at that time 11 illegal migrants were also detained well uh over the past day uh Sheriff’s uh logs indicate uh they made stops at 11 different places in beiji in the surrounding area regarding sex crimes I’ve now confirmed that those stops had nothing to do with that case of the girl getting raped it’s in relation to a case I news first told you about last Saturday with a uh Jailer involved with sex with a 15-year-old girl an investigation by the Minnesota BCA and Beltrami County Sheriff’s Department has revealed a 15-year-old girl who says she had sex with multiple adult men for money and other favors at this point uh one man is charged 25-year-old Hopson Pier of beiji who worked as a Jailer at the Bel tramy County Jail Pier has been charged with third deegree criminal sexual conduct according to the criminal complaint in uh early October a family member reported uh the girl’s phone contained information that she was was engaging in sex with adult men in an interview with an investigator she acknowledged having sexual relations with multiple adult men for money and or other favors a search of her phone led to the suspect Hopson pier and a November 29th interview with investigators again from the criminal complaint the defendant admitted to meeting the girl earlier in the fall through a dating application called meet me the defendant also admitted he spoke with the the girl through snapchat uh Hopson Pier stated he made arrangements to meet her in person October 5th says he picked her up at her house and they drove to a wooded area near Sanford hospital in bigi and had intercourse in the back seat of his vehicle on October 5th uh Hopson Pier stated he then drove the girl home when uh the girl’s age was brought to the uh defendant’s attention the the defendant stated he believed she was 18 years old uh the defendant stated he asked the girl how old she was and she told him 18 the defendant stated he believed the girl was 18 uh the defendant also stated he did not provide her with any marijuana money or anything else of value for sexual intercourse uh the criminal complaint says a mistake as to age is not a offense for the defendant again I news has confirmed confirmed an investigation involving nearly a dozen men in buiji and the surrounding area in this case is underway at the close of business on this Friday no charges filed yet make sure to click the Subscribe button in the lower right hand corner here to know first we’ll keep you updated I’m Neil Berg reporting for in trfnews.i234.me


  1. at some point, that 15 yr. old 'child' needs further investigation, & whoever is supposed to be in charge of her. 15 is old enough to know prostitution is illegal – & so is blackmail. if there are no consequences /rehabilitation for her, & her caretakers the message being sent is minors can prostitute . [unless it can be proven she was being forced]

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