EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Fargo Shooting Victim’s Mother Speaks With TRF News

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Karlee Koswick is continues her recovery at a Fargo hospital on this Monday evening. Her mother, Beverly Koswick talks with Neil Berg of TRF News about her daughters recovery and what happened Friday afternoon in a shooting incident that killed 1 Fargo officer and wounded 2 others. Karlee Koswick was caught in the gunfire from the shooter, who was also killed by police.
well I guess that’s what everybody would like to know just caught in a horrible situation totally innocent bystander how is she doing um she had a very extensive surgery today um there’ll be many more surgeries to come uh and right now we’re trying to find a private uh way to fly her home she cannot go commercial and then she will be going to um into an inpatient Rehabilitation um that’s all we know right now okay can you talk in general about her injuries we were told to maybe shot twice in the leg or if or what happened oh she was shot yes in both legs the more extensive uh the the real bad one was in her um hip which went from her hip the bullets out through her back or her buttocks and just shattered everything so [Music] yeah um Can it confident after time things can get back to normal these injuries um that’s not uh we just don’t know yet it’s just way too early to you know know that okay no fortunately were you on the phone with her when this happened no my husband was can you kind of tell folks what they were talking about and what happened um she just called him to tell him that she had hit a car they stopped short I guess and she hit them and the officer had the police came the officer brought her over to the sidewalk and then all I know is someone started firing and she got hit twice oh my God she was with the police yeah and I I’m betting you you expected this would never happen when she was moving to North Dakota no I would have never expected this in a million years I had this vision of North Dakota being a very quiet you know Serene plus and I mean it’s like she’s in the middle of you know downtown Boston so yeah kind of a shock for the folks in Fargo too that it happened yeah I’m a little bit you know I have to wonder like you know the FBI was quickly involved and what is this person you know I mean was he on anybody’s report yeah we I I’m sorry we don’t know anything about him either except neighbors of basically said he didn’t talk to anybody so yeah there’s got to be a story behind that somewhere okay uh so are you hoping I mean your daughter can maybe be moved back to Boston here for the next week or that’s what we’re trying if we can um we have to get a private uh plane to bring her she can’t go commercial so it’s uh a lot of things we have to put together before we can get her home have you you guys have a GoFundMe page going no no I’m sure there’s many folks who would like to help you out oh that’s very kind but I think there’s a lot more people that need more help than we do you know where we’ll be able to to manage this you know yeah well one thing I didn’t ask or what did Carly move to Fargo for what was she doing she wanted to pursue maybe going back to school and she was working and um she had a friend there so she found it interesting to you know she’s young so she thought it would be an adventure and yeah all right um take care and best wishes for your daughter’s full recovery in this thanks for talking to me Long Haul but thank you I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. Praying for a speedy recovery! I'm so sorry for this happening we don't generally have to deal with this kind of thing in North Dakota how shocking for all of us you have a lot of prayers for you God bless you

  2. I'm praying that a private pilot with his/her own jet and license offers to bring her home. πŸ’” This is not an incident that I wouldve expected in North Dakota. The world is changing. 😒 I pray for her full recovery and hopefully no lifelong pain from significant surgeries and injuries. πŸ™

  3. Go fund me is not the donation portal to use. Givesendgo is more appropriate for any emergency fund raising. If you do just a little research you will find it’s the better way to go. I’m not affiliated in any way, just aware of the truth.

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