Ex-Vice President Cheney Brands Trump a “Coward”

WASHINGTON D.C. (trfnews.i234.me) In a political ad for his daughter, former Vice-President, Dick Cheney calls Trump a coward.
in a political ad for his daughter liz cheney who is running for reelection in wyoming former vice president dick cheney calls former president trump a coward here’s the ad in our nation’s 246 history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than donald trump he tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him he is a coward a real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters he lost his election and he lost big i know it he knows it and deep down i think most republicans know it lynn and i are so proud of liz for standing up for the truth doing what’s right honoring her oath to the constitution and so many in our party are too scared to do so liz is fearless she never backs down from the fight there is nothing more important she will ever do then lead the effort to make sure donald trump is never again near the oval office and she will succeed i am dick cheney i proudly voted for my daughter i hope you will too i’m liz cheney and i approve this message


  1. Too bad she will be primaried. Most "republicans" hate her and her father. They link her to the war in Iraq (even though she had nothing to do with it) and think she is a traitor. Trump has taken the GOP to a dark and dangerous place

  2. I'm not a fan of Republicans but this is one of few Republicans who actually cares about America and is not a Sheeple clown who follows another clown like the rest of the zombified herd.

  3. I believe Biden has proved this dip shits claim. Dicks on chin is definitely not one to be talking about the greatest threat obviously we all see what Brandon is doing just killing this country.

  4. it will be interesting to see the democrats help a republican cheat to win. they need a republican mole on the their side. this video is to make it seem like she won it straight up. when in reality they just bring in "votes from " over seas" lol this country is a joke now. when will it end.

  5. But Dick you and Bush are war criminals who lied to the public about Iraq and got away with it! Your policies proceeded by illegally invading a sovereign nation Putin-esk style!! Your invasion to find so-call weapons of mass destruction was a lie to initiate the invasion!!! You and Georgie had many Americans soldiers and Iraqi civilians killed! You arrested political rivals and displaced millions of people in Iraq!! Dick Cheney and George Bush are war criminals who got away with it!!! I know I served 3 tours in Iraq Dicky you have blood on your hands!! You’re mad because President Trump said during his campaign that you and Bush are war criminals and I agree!!! So now you using the Woke Liberal Democrats to redirect or should I say cover up Dick Cheney’s illegal invasion crimes?!?

    Trump 2024!!

  6. Quit talking about the past and focus on the future. Her claim to fame shouldn’t be keeping trump out of office it should be inflation, economy, gas prices ect!! What kind of leader will she be.

  7. Might not agree with some of the things that Liz Cheney vote for with the Republican party and Donald Trump but she is a force to be reckoned with and she's about to reck Donald Trump's dream of ever running for the office of the presidency, so to Liz Cheney and the January 6th committee America thanks you for holding Donald Trump and his supporters that stormed the capital accountable for their actions!!

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