ERSKINE, MN ( An Erskine, Minnesota man is facing criminal charges, after he allegedly stole his grandmother’s truck.
Erskine Man Accused of Taking Grandmother’s Truck

ERSKINE, MN ( An Erskine, Minnesota man is facing criminal charges, after he allegedly stole his grandmother’s truck.
Staying with Grandma?
What ah loser!
Some people just can't live their lives without doing things that they know they're not supposed to do. This guy was just destined to stay in jail.
The Culture Rot brought to us by the Rino-Dem Duopoly lawmakers and voters is getting worse.. you have "parents" who refuse to grow up, refuse to be responsible as society tells them they can do whatever they want, be anything they want; many grandparents raising children today because of the brainwashed Tv Truthers who think they are the victim to anything and immerse themselves into addictions and unproductive lifestyles… the 60s brought many bads to society. .we have replaced Fundamental Christianity with Secular Material Humanism that does nothing to the individual and everything to the elite… so may brainwash.. so sad.. Grandma abuse
Hope he gets it together.
After everyone else is done with your
and your grandma loves you enough to be willing to take a chance on you, and you do this!?!?