Eric Reinbold, Murder Suspect, Captured Wednesday at 12:30 AM

OKLEE, MN ( Murder suspect Eric Reinbold has been captured! Red Lake County Sheriff, Mitch Bernstein says Reinbold was captured in some woods by his parent’s home near Oklee, Minnesotaa in Red Lake County that have been searched several times. Reinbold has been on the run since July 9th, after his wife was found stabbed to death in the driveway of his home, north of the capture location in Pennington County.
Neil Berg uh here on the phone with the red light county sheriff mitch bernstein uh eric reinbold the murder suspect has been on the run since july 9th has been captured when and where and how’d this happen mitch uh well the us marshals have been up here uh working pretty diligently on this uh apprehension the last few days again so i mean uh the pennington county sheriff’s office and our office have been working with them they got a tip that he was uh at a property that we you know we’ve searched several times before in red lake county basically kind of across county road one from his parents residence they had the commercials had their team deployed and they’re able to find them attempting to hide in the woods so he was apprehended without incident and turned over to the pennington county sheriff’s office and transported up to the jail in peak river falls all right so uh u.s marshals found them is that when they research yep yep so i mean uh you know members of the red lake county sheriff’s office uh pennington county sheriff’s office and bca were on scene uh you know it was kind of a team effort but the marshals had their special operations teams were the ones that actually went the woods and were able to locate them do they have some special equipment that they saw him tonight i mean it’s you know pitch black out in that area yeah well they got night vision and things like that that you know some of the the local departments don’t have so yeah they’re specialized unit that does this type of thing all over the country so um and that and that i know everybody’s gonna ask this so did he have some type of bunker dug or how did he escape being caught for so long that area was searched several times yeah well i think he just you know when we were looking one place he had moved you know by the time we got there he moved somewhere else and tonight we were fortunate enough where he you know he was caught on a camera and didn’t didn’t get that far from it when he was gonna head down for the night so i don’t know how it worked out so okay so uh basically if you drove out of his parents yard just going straight south across the road down in that down in that area yep yep yep just a little bit to the west yeah a little bit to the west and south of his parents place i think there’s a bunch of bee hives in there now or something yeah it would be about a quarter mile west of those beehives that’s where wow okay all right uh kind of good news for everybody for long yeah for sure no it’s definitely uh you know a weight off our mind and uh you know i think the oakley greater oakley community can rest easy knowing that he’s been apprehended that you know uh don’t have to don’t can put this chapter behind us all right did you were you able to see him at all uh yes yes yes it looked um i mean not too bad for being out in the woods for months but uh you know he seemed healthy and everything like that so i mean so eric reinbold murder suspect is back in custody he’s suspected of stabbing to death his wife leset at their uh home in pennington county on july 9th on this august 4th he was captured near his parents home south of there near oakley minnesota and is now in custody i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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