Enormous Grain Elevator Blaze Engulfs Small Minnesota Town

CLINTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Massive Sunday fire in Clinton, Minnesota.
firefighters from multiple agencies battled a large fire at a grain elevator in small western minnesota city where some residents were evacuated according to the big stone county sheriff mark brown crews were called shortly before 11 a.m sunday to the grain elevator which had become fully engulfed in towering flames officials in clinton with its population of about 500 people near the south dakota border declared a civil emergency by midday residents were advised not to use water roads were closed and those living within three blocks were told to evacuate

1 comment

  1. One of thee most nasty fires you could deal with,the hidden hot spots the fact that if you’re inside one wrong step could send you a 100 feet or more to the ground,and don’t forget grain dust is every explosive,GOOD LUCK to the firefighters be safe

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