Elias Khoury: Lebanese Literary Giant and Advocate for Palestine Passes Away at 76

Elias Khoury
Elias Khoury

Elias Khoury, the celebrated Lebanese novelist and passionate advocate for the Palestinian cause, has passed away at 76. Born in Beirut, Khoury earned his degree in history from Lebanese University and a doctorate in social history from the Sorbonne. His time spent in Palestinian refugee camps and involvement in the Lebanese National Movement deeply influenced his writing.

Khoury’s literary career began with his 1975 novel On the Relations of the Circle. His second work, Little Mountain (1977), received widespread acclaim for its portrayal of the Lebanese Civil War. Over the years, he produced a series of influential works, including The Gates of the City, The Kingdom of Strangers, and Gate of the Sun, which won the Prize of Palestine. His work focused on Middle Eastern conflicts and the experiences of ordinary people. He received the prestigious Al Owais Award in 2007 and the Mahmoud Darwish Award for Creativity in 2016.

Beyond his writing, Khoury taught at universities worldwide, including New York University and Princeton. He also edited the Palestinian Affairs magazine and the weekly culture supplement Al-Mulhaq.

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