Elderly Man’s Paranoia Turns Violent: Gunfire and Threats in Northern Minnesota

Robert J. Marvel
Robert J. Marvel

ROOSEVELT, MN (trfnews.i234.me) – In rural Roosevelt, located on the southern shores of Lake of the Woods, an alarming incident has shattered the peace. Seventy-year-old Robert John Marvel, known to have paranoid tendencies about his neighbors, is now facing serious criminal charges following a frightening series of events on June 5th.

Sheriff deputies responded to reports of Marvel shooting a gun and making threats. Upon arrival, they found Marvel holding a pistol. The officers managed to calm him down, and he agreed to put the weapon away. Marvel, however, continued to express paranoid delusions about his neighbors.

The situation escalated when another call came in from the neighbors, detailing how Marvel had stood at the end of their driveway, firing shots and issuing threats earlier that day. Deputies returned to Marvel’s residence, confronted him with these accusations, and he admitted to both yelling and discharging his rifle into the ground. He directed the officers to his rifle, which was subsequently seized.

Robert Marvel has been arrested and charged with felonies, including threats of violence and the intentional discharge of a firearm that endangers safety.

I’m Alex Stone reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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