Early Morning Regional Weather Forecast (6 AM)

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Here’s a look at conditions across North Dakota and western Minnesota at 6 a.m. Tuesday.
hey everyone Neil Berg here again just after 6:00 a.m. in crookton and we now have snow flurries flying through along with the high winds today and that’s still going to remain the biggest problem for the day it looks on the radar the snow will be moving through but high winds gusts up to 50 mph all right here’s a look at the big picture across our region let’s see crookton 21 degrees at this hour Wan 23 Jamestown 19° let’s see we’ve got the snow flurries coming through crookton snow in Devil’s Lake snow in Fergus Falls and bmigi badet getting some snow langdon’s getting some snow and a bit of freezing rain out uh by Valley City in bismar and Jamestown looks like the uh majority of that system is now move to the north along the border uh a bit of uh the system rolling through Grand forks and crookton uh just after 6:00 a.m. but the biggest problem today again it’s going to be the wind if you’re out there driving stay away from those big rigs on the highway a 50 m mph Gus can uh move those guys over into the other lane and you don’t want to be there all right I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me

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