Drug Overdoses and Deaths in Northern Valley

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Grand Forks Police say they’ve responded to multiple drug overdoses, including 1 death.
we’ve had multiple overdoses and at least one death in grand forks and i believe i heard another overdose in a polk county on saturday this in from grand forks police who say they’ve responded to numerous narcotic related drug overdoses on saturday evening including a fatality several subjects have adjusted what they believe to be heroin and began overdosing requiring immediate medical intervention it’s our belief that the substances the subjects have ingested are a more powerful opiate causing these overdoses the identity of the fatality is being withheld pending family notification we once again urge citizens to refrain from using any drugs or medications that were not obtained from a doctor pharmacy or other reputable business there was no way of knowing what you are actually taking if pills or of other substances are obtained from an illicit source grand forks police department and narcotics task force are actively investigating to determine the source of the narcotics anyone with information is asked to contact the grand forks police department at 701-787-8000 i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. Do you people have no humanity? These folks have family and friends. Drug addiction does not know economic status or race. I truly hope y’all never have to face it in yourself or a loved one. 😞

  2. This problem will eventually self correct. BTW, I think we all know who is doing the majority of selling in this country but no one wants to talk about it.

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