Driver Collides with Natural Gas Line in Cavalier, ND

CAVALIER, ND ( A driver hit a natural gas line in downtown Cavalier, North Dakota Friday morning. No reports of any injuries.
we had what could have been a bad accident up in Cavalier North Dakota this morning someone won ran into the service area of a natural gas line this happened on Main Street in the corner of Division Avenue here’s an emergency calls that came in at 8:53 a.m. on this Friday capillary fire and Kevlar ambulance we have a motor vehicle accident a person ran into the MDU service line at Simeon freak insurance at 105 Division Avenue South they can hear the gas leak ooh they have also already called em to you no reports of any injury or incident after a vehicle runs into a a natural gas line up on Main Street in Cavalier North Dakota I’m Neil Berg reporting for i-news da TV

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