Disturbance Forces Early Closure of Minnesota State Fair on Saturday Night

ST. PAUL, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A disturbance closed the Minnesota State Fair early on Saturday night.
the Minnesota State Fair closed early Saturday night following a disturbance they issued a statement uh saying they’re closing early due to disturbances in the area of the Midway there is nothing more to confirm at this time that was from the state fair radio uh traffic at the time indicated a couple reports of possible gunfire that has not been confirmed no reports of any injuries uh here’s some of the radio traffic there were three confirmed around there’s hundreds of people jumping the fence again reports of gunfire have not been confirmed uh later radio traffic indicated it was a fight on the Midway at the State Fair Saturday night uh authorities expected to release uh more information on this Sunday morning I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. Let me guess the demographic that was involved…🤔

    Diversity, lack of family involvement and the general soft on crime approach by liberals is a cancer that is eating this country alive. Before too long we're going to be indistinguishable from downtown Mogadishu

  2. My niece was near there and said she heard gunshots. She fell and hurt her leg while trying to flee.
    This wouldn’t happen if there weren’t any white people there. We need to just stay home so POCs can live their lyfe y’all.

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