Digi-Key Statement Regarding Murder Of Employee
THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Digi-Key in Thief River Falls, Minnesota has released a statement regarding the murder of one of its employees Tuesday night.
Digi-Key’s Official Response to Employee’s Tragic Murder

Has there been an influx of illegals in that area?
What open borders wrought.
Illegal alien killer out of jail yet?
My mom works here and just found out about this
The gent probably had mental health issues but I suspect there was a connection? its just sad there was not more security? I know arctic cat, has people who watch cameras but a better system might be like polaris who has a guard shack with 24 hour and multiple guards on duty? maybe digikey should consider?? a couple guards on duty at all times? and one watching the cameras and one patrolling? 25 mins this man was beaten if I heard reports correctly? maybe someone could have intervened? saved a life? I hope the digikey management increases security budget, staffing, and considers some of this?
I wonder if they're raising their wages since they can't keep their premises safe.
Rumors are, the dude took down a road sign, and hit the victim in the neck.
I want to know if the suspect is an illegal alien.
Lack of security is great at digikey !!!
Thanks for the update.
The name says it all
Can’t even go to work,with out checking and making sure that your Personal Security devices are with you at all times and at the ready when things go bad
I think i got them all. Let me know which ones i missed.
Thoughts and prayers
It was because he isnt white
It was drugs
It was the politician's fault
It was the media's fault