Detroit Lakes Resident Sentenced for Fentanyl Possession: Jail Time and Probation Ordered

Becker County, MN ( – Jessi Lee Fish, 46, of rural Detroit Lakes, has been sentenced in Becker County District Court for a felony fifth-degree drug charge involving fentanyl. A more severe third-degree charge was dismissed as part of a plea agreement.

According to court records, on July 25, 2023, West Central Task Force agents used a confidential informant to purchase 1.29 grams of fentanyl from Fish in Becker County. Following the transaction, Fish was initially sentenced to 60 days in jail, with credit for time served, on June 12.

After violating probation, Fish returned to court on July 8, where District Judge Gretchen Thilmony amended the sentence to include a statutory stay of adjudication. Fish was ordered to serve 15 more days in jail, with credit for 13 days already served, and fined $575. Additionally, Fish may be released to a residential treatment facility if recommended by a comprehensive assessment.

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