Detailed Charges Brought Against Priest in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN, ND ( WARNING, GRAPHIC DETAILS: Formal charges have now been filed against a Jamestown, North Dakota priest. Father Neil Pfeifer has been charged with felony sexual exploitation by a therapist and misdemeanor sexual assault.
we now have graphic details formal charges have now been filed against father Neil Pfeiffer a priest who was removed from service at churches here in Jamestown Buchanan and Windsor Pfeiffer has now formally been charged with felony exploitation by a therapist involving an adult female and misdemeanor sexual assault sexual contact with the woman according to court documents the criminal complaint says quote on January 13th the victim reported to law enforcement that back on December 17 2022 she was sexually assaulted by a Catholic priest father Neil Pfeiffer while at the rectory located at the Saint James Basilica she said while visiting father Pfeiffer she was pushed onto her back on his bed and he laid on top of her father Pfeiffer started kissing her on the lips and neck and she remembered he was moaning his penis was in his pants and but was erect and she could feel it against her body she told father Pfeiffer no and pushed him off she stood up and told him she needed to go home she walked to the door to grab her coat father Pfeiffer asked for a hug Fife father Pfeiffer came up grabbed her breast and butt over her clothing then started kissing her neck and mouth again father Pfeiffer asked if he could put her on the counter so he could take a picture of him she told him no and left the rectory on February 2nd father Pfeiffer was interviewed the interview was conducted in Rugby North Dakota at the Pierce County law enforcement center father Pfeiffer admitted he was helping the woman deal with depression issues and had been for a while father Pfeiffer admitted to kissing the woman while in the rectory and asking her for a hug prior to her leaving but does not remember grabbing her breast or butt father Pfeiffer said at the time he was currently on a steroid due to ear issues and they had been drinking alcoholic beverages and he may have had too many alcohol beverages mixed with the steroid father Pfeiffer says he does not know the woman to be a liar and she does not know why she would make this up unquote that was from the criminal complaint he’ll be arraigned on the felony charge of sexual exploitation by a therapist on Feb February 22nd I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Thank you for reporting this case. I was in Jamestown not long ago admiring the same beautiful building, wondering if things like this went on in smaller cities… We all need to be aware and watchful. I pray the victim is acknowledged, the crime investigated, justice served. Also that others who may be victims feel some strength in this woman who found the courage to report. God bless to all. I'm sorry if you feel alone and I want you to know I care about you, lots of us do.

  2. Actually, the father is a very good person. I met him for three years when I lived in Napoleon and he never disrespected my family and he helped us and I don't understand why they wait to see something bad from someone to come out of the shadows and speak bad things. and take advantage I met some there who are badly dressed probing if they are human.. . Let us pray for them God bless the community of Napoleon I always have them in my prayers beautiful community very generous my relatives clean the church and Father Nery never disrespected them… Let us pray for all the parents in the world… they are human… and they are not perfect..

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