Deer in Distress due to Flooding in Oslo, Minnesota

OSLO, MN ( A look at the flooding situation at Oslo, Minnesota as a deer struggles to reach higher ground.
Neil Berg up here at oslo minnesota some 20 miles north of uh grand forks along the red river uh traveling uh east now into oslo or across the red river and go into the into minnesota river here is at 37.24 feet expected to crest to 38 feet on wednesday just about ready to uh roll over the road here it’s in many previous floods uh oslo turns into a bit of an island this is a stretch of road between uh interstate 29 and oslo road is still open just a few inches of water on the road here ice covered water right up to the edge of the road uh the record uh level up here was uh 38.4 feet in 1997. uh right now it’s expected to crest at 38 feet just under that historic crest and we’ve got the water all over the road here it has been built up a bit uh since 25 years ago road level still letting traffic through at this point not sure when they’ll close it try to get some information later we’ll keep driving into town here give you a look at everything again as i said uh we’re at 37 um 37.3 feet expected to crest at 38 feet uh tomorrow on wednesday just beneath the uh historic uh 1997 rest 25 years ago this town is uh folks who live around here kind of used to this well i can’t stop here but we got a deer trying to make its way across the flooded field out here if we get up to an approach i can show you this oh my he’s hopping uh through kind of the ice covered uh water here we have an approach i can maybe show this to you hang with me i’ve got a dry approach here gotta get out of the way of traffic coming behind me so okay here’s that deer out there trying to make it across the uh water covered field appears to be a little confused as which direction to go got a bit of a ice covering out there so looks like it’s a bit tired out here too so well hopefully can find a little uh drier ground there and get to it we’ll see what happens with that now we’ll continue our drive into uh oslo [Music] and actually uh maybe we’ll go through to the other edge of town there’s a big ring dike that surrounds and protects uh the city of oslo so they’re in good shape used to high water up here yeah unfortunately that’s one of the bad things about flooding situations tough on wildlife all right we’re now in uh oslo minnesota the minnesota side just crossed over the red river there a short drive will be on the east edge of town on the ring dike where another road where the road is also closed is closed i believe at least according to the 501 minnesota road map again taking a look at the uh all the water heading north of grand forks i’ve been showing you stuff in crookston red lake river which dumps into the red river at grand forks flooding over lots of areas of polk county and it’s all headed through the river red river here at oslo all right looks like we’re still a road still open here unless uh it’s farther down showing on the 511 map it’s closed a bit farther down but we’ll take a look at highway 220 also here later today which runs south of alvarado which is about six miles ahead from oslo minnesota i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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