Controversy Over Political Signs In Northern Minnesota
BAUDETTE, MN ( There’s a controversy over political signs in Northern Minnesota. The Lake of the …
Debate Erupts Over Political Signage in Northern Minnesota

Controversy Over Political Signs In Northern Minnesota
BAUDETTE, MN ( There’s a controversy over political signs in Northern Minnesota. The Lake of the …
Trump lost get over it
Mayor Rick Ronee. Ha
At least there aren't many idiots left there that are in love with a daddy's $ business failure who lies his ass off. Sad as the dummy likes to say.
Must not be much going on in northern MN. Just small town minds trying to control people’s lives. They must remove any football flags in there yard since football is over or it’s discrimination! Got to love the mental midgets of rural America!
Or oust the Council. Free Speech. Trump Walleye!!
Change the ordinance…
What a bunch of overprivileged and entitled pricks. How many times do these kind of people need to be arrested before they realize they're not above the law. Freedom of speech is not absolute, there are limitations and it is done to create a more peaceful society. These Trumpers are intent on destroying our country. They should be kicked out.
You fucks in Baudette are a bunch of losers. Trump lost and you Fucks are stupid. I guess we still have crude balls in Minnesota. Too bad.
Ordinances are like mandates… They aren't laws!!! Way to go sheriff!
Biden flag says something about Experience! You mean after 47 years of doing absolutely nothing what the f does he have to show America except his family getting rich off his political influences
I live in Baudette mn and the county of Lake of the woods is a TRUMO SUPPORTER county.! It is a CONSTITUTIONAL … RIGHT…. It's called FREDOM of SPEECH.!
WTF is The Beef, Here? = Sniveling………. Advertising is a Sign, Street Names & House numbers is signs. Offensive is an opinion sadly so as well. Political sings are either show support or neglect. & people those signs made of plastic make good low profile "Creepers" Under vehicles & Buildings, is that Illegal also?. if You take the Signs Down then Its either garbage Polluting The earth in landfills or in the way in storage. = Its Whiney F'n People gotta make a stink over minor things wasting energy . Its Freedom of Speach & Dont complain Dumb-ASS people, Unless Its foul language or racist or an evil incantation.
Way to go Sheriff !
Biden doesnt have a flag. Haha. Trump is still my president
Cities cannot force residents to take down political signs. Supreme court has already decided this. Sheriff is 100% correct.
Sorry but I will put a sign in my yard whenever I want's my property..kiss my ass if you don't like it…ps..don't paint your house a color I don't like..or I might put a sign in my yard about your disgusting house color…
Freedom of speech!
Baudette, let them know what our constitution is.
this state actually makes me sick. soooo… if your one of those liberal pukes, and you cross paths with me, my job is.. too offend you.
Awesome a sherrif living up to its oaths. Sherrif does have that authority. Read your constitution.
We all know willie The walleye is a big Trump supporter so they’ll probably have to take him down to
So glad I escaped MN. Local bureaucrats are too emboldened when they have to sit and ponder why they even have ordinances when the sheriff won’t enforce their unconstitutional ordinances. Here’s an idea, you don’t need ordinances for things that are so trivial! Either a case of complacency or stupidity, or both on the part of the board member that was interviewed.
Good grief. People get so butt hurt over nothing nowadays.
inserrectionist thugs and terrorist !!!!!!! makes me sick
Well you expect them to fly the sign of a ot damn thief we all know who should be the president and we all know who the thief is
Yes take them down, ten days after election! Here in Michigan you will get a ticket!
streets in chaska all say BLM on them…no one seems to be complaining about those…
Minnesota has crime…look at whats been going on there all spring, summer, fall and winter. its their property, they have a right to put up whatever they want….ur cops need to serve the people not crybaby over signs.
Good for the sheriff, he sounds like a cool guy
Lae enforcement takes an oath. Defend and obey the constitution. If the law is unconstitutional, he doesn't have to recognize it.