Daycare Provider Charged with Murder After 5-Month-Old Baby Dies of Head Trauma

Daycare Provider Charged With Murder Of Baby, 5-Month Old Boy Died Of Head Trauma

CARRINGTON, ND ( A Carrington, North Dakota daycare provider has been charged with Murder.


  1. How horrible is this,that poor little baby. A big grown ass woman, if she couldn't handle it she should not have taken babies in. I hope she is prosecuted to the highest extent of the law, God it makes me sick!!

  2. I know I had to work when my babies were young. By the grace of god there for go’s I. Rest In Peace beloved one May your family and friends find healing and peace May the evil that did this rot in their own skin

  3. My main queation is why are the parents leaving their kids at an un licensed daycare. Any smart parent would sit down and have an interview and ask to see those types of info if the certificate wasnt already hanging up or mentioned. Wow so sad for their family. Rip little baby. To the other parents do your research this could have been any of the other kids their.

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