CUSTOMER REVIEW: “Excitement Has Faded”

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We have some feedback from an TRF News viewer regarding our “Black Friday” morning story about no more lines for esrly morning deals.
[Music] I have some feedback to our early Friday Black Friday morning 6:00 a.m. in Grand Forks uh we showed you that no longer any big lines of people waiting to get in the stores uh but this from a Walmart employee quote I work at the Walmart you pass by on Black Friday you mentioned that The Thrill Is Gone from Black Friday I can assure you that it is still alive and well just that more people are not waking up at 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. to catch the early morning sales I helped package up more than 800 items alone for delivery and pickup uh via online purchases I also assisted Cashing Out customers who came in and spent Hefty sums of money on many of the deals that Dynamic has changed since covid and since many big box retailers opted into using the Online Marketplace the fervor is still there just not as evident and dangerous as it used to be signed Walmart Citizen and I should mention that uh during our Black Friday story uh we did mention that traffic was picking up by 700 a.m. and on Saturday we showed you the uh bustling parking lot outside a Grand Fork chain store I’m Neil Berg reporting for I a


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