Crookston Sports Center Rejects Proposal to Become “Gun-Free Zone”

CROOKSTON, MN ( The Crookston Sports Center will not become a gun free zone.
the Crookston Sports Center will not become a gun-free zone at least for now and that’s despite the fact it’s the setting for hundreds of high school and younger hockey games all winter long officials looked into the matter but say current laws won’t allow them to ban guns here and joining me now is Scott Reil Pail the director of Crookston parks and rec so can you kind of explain to folks you try to look into the possibility of putting a gun ban on the Crookston Sports Center here and what you find out correct we were looking at making it a gun-free zone and after further research into it we found out that at this point in time the way the laws and statutes read it wouldn’t be in our best interest to go for forward with this endeavor so is it kind of because the building is owned by the city and you have to go with the state laws that way correct with city facilities right now according to a law that they put forth in 2003 city facilities are not able to do that at this point okay which is a little ironic sand said as you said there’s hundreds of hockey games here a year with students and so on and so forth but that that’s the way the law is correct yes I believe during school activities though there is some stuff with them they can keep guns from coming in but during our events that we have we won’t be able to okay so does that mean at this point that’s still a little unclear if it’s a high school hockey game yeah the high school would have to enforce that at that point I believe if you walk into a school and you cannot during their activities I believe there is some stuff and I would have to look further into it because they could ban them but during our events at our facility we would not be able to in Crookston I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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