Crookston Flood Update: Limited Flooding in Small Area

CROOKSTON, MN ( Update on the flood fight against the Red Lake River in Crookston, Minnesota.
a very small area of crookston was flooded today when the red lake uh river overran the uh dike system along riverside avenue again this is the lowest area of town uh basically in this area are a couple of houses and some out buildings it went over an area the dike that was an old wooden strip structure and had been reinforced with sandbags on top you can see two homes and some out uh buildings in the water here and off to the right and a shop that was used by the city but the rest of the houses in the neighborhood are fine uh crookston police chief darren selzler says he’s confidence that that by uh 7 p.m on this sunday all low areas of the city’s dyke system should be good to 31 feet but that puts the city in a dangerous cat and mouse game with mother nature as the red lake river is forecast to crest at 29 and a half feet just a foot and a half uh below that uh 31 feet in crookston i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Stupid is what stupid does! Continue to develop in a flood plain. Farmers putting in drain tile to create more farm land and eliminating natural nesting areas for wildlife. The snow melt has less areas for holding the spring melt and flows immediately into the main river and floods out. Remember the 500 year flood they had back in about 1997. Like there was any documentation of any flooding 500 yrs ago. LMAO.
    Common sense is dead in America

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