Coyote Fatally Beaten in Canada

ALBERTA, CANADA ( A disturbing video that was posted on facebook shows 2 boys beating a coyote to death in Alberta, Canada.
here are some still shots of a disturbing video taken in Alberta Canada this story from the CBC out of Alberta Alberta hunters are expressing their disgust as a video that shows two boys in northern Alberta brutally beating a coyote to death the CBC says the video surfaced on Facebook last Sunday and shows a coyote being kicked in the head and loaded into the back of a bloodied snowmobile rack Brett Watson is quoted as saying it was pretty disgusting he’s a longtime trapper who lives in Grand Prairie Watson says it doesn’t matter if you’re a hunter or non hunter a vegetarian or meat-eater you’re not going to find any sympathy for what they did I’m Neil Berg reporting for i-news TV


  1. Those two boys beat that coyote in raging anger because it represented their hatred for Prime Minister Jackal Trudeau who is running Canada as a raging coyote. They are tired of being abused by him and his Liberal MP Despots who are a bunch of dirty thieving coyote jackals.

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