1. It's a gimmick folks, when Minnesota got the refund checks when Jesse Ventura was governor: this didn't happen; this is all done on purpose and yet you keep on voting these criminals into office…which makes you an accomplice just like the 3 officers who aided and abetted D.chaubin

  2. It's a gimmick folks, when Minnesota got the refund checks due to Jesse Ventura.. this didn't happen; this is all done on purpose and yet you keep on voting these criminals into office…which makes you an accomplice just like the 3 officers who aided and abetted D. Chauvin.

  3. The checks have a Montana return address, stupid, I almost didn’t open it, thought it was junk mail, then my wife and I both looked at it, thought it might be a scam, finally figured it it was real and had to call her mother to make sure she didn’t throw it out, Minnesota government really F ed up

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