Cooperstown, ND Provides Active Shooter Training for Schools

COOPERSTOWN, ND ( Law enforcement and medical responders will go through training for a active school shooter incident in Cooperstown, North Dakota today.
Neil Berg here in cooperstown north dakota where they’re gearing up for an active shooter drill here at the griggs county uh central high school in cooperstown uh later on this wednesday afternoon now that’ll happen as a another community in america mourns a second sandy hook this time in texas 19 innocent children murdered now for folks who say why are they practicing for something like this nothing like this will ever happen in our region well it already did i covered it in 2005. the just 145 miles northeast of here red lake minnesota 10 people died in a shooting at the school in red lake including the shooter seven people were shot and killed in the school five others injured now we’ll take a look around the area here as we read through a recent fbi news release regarding active shootings in america quote in 2021 the fbi designated 61 shootings as active shooter incidents in these incidents 103 people were killed and 140 wounded excluding the shooters for the period of 2017 to 2021 active shooter incident data reveals an upward trend the number of active shooter incidents identified in 2021 represents a 53 increase from 2020 and a 97 increase from 2017. casualty counts are higher for 2021 243 when compared with the 2020 164 indicating a 48 increase the casualties in 2021 represent the third highest total casualty count over the last five years 2017-2021 2021 saw the highest number of deaths 103 since 2017 a 171 percent increase from 2020 and above the average 92 for the period of 2017 to 2020. there was an 11 increase in people wounded in 2021 compared with 2020 when there were 2 126 but below the average of 253 for the period of 2017 to 2020. now again an active shooter exercise here at the high school in cooperstown uh later on this wednesday afternoon we’ll have that for you later today again as the national conversation over gun control heats up and once again it’ll be debated in congress as whether or not anything happens we’ll see in cooperstown north dakota i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Do what concerts, stadiums and secured apartments do. Limit multiple door access unless secured. How about a "Ring" type doorbell to allow in or not. Just some ideas.

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