Controversy Surrounding Minnesota’s Updated State Seal and Flag

ST. PAUL, MN ( The latest debate over Minnesota new State Seal and Flag.
a special commission’s final recommendation for Minnesota’s new state seal is sparking controversy because it includes a Dakota phrase meaning land where the waters reflect the sky Republican senator Steve drowsky from mappa says that’s divisive because it’s raising One race over all Races in Minnesota most people would say that what we have in the seal is racist and is certainly illegal uh commission member Dr Kate responds her native tribe is in South Dakota because we were literally chased out of the state by Henry sibl who created the current state flag and seal to say that we’re creating division by by our presence being here today and by us speaking that in of itself is racist now lawmakers still have the options to weigh in when they return to the state capital in February and uh judging by the response to the state flag uh I don’t know if we’re going to have a new state flag yet uh there hasn’t been uh much of course uh most of the voting happens down in the metro area uh that was obvious in the uh elections in November the Statewide elections uh all the candidates they won the metro area and got crushed in outstate Minnesota as we call it the rural areas uh so stay tuned I’m sure we’ll have more on the flag which is receiving less than rave reviews let’s just put it that way


  1. Hey I know let's erase all of what we know and draw a stick of butter on the back of a cow walking over rocks that should explain where were from rocks and cow country have the people submit drawings then pick out the coolest like we used to do

  2. Inch by inch, Minnesota is becoming a land without law.
    When the leaders no longer respect the people, the people no longer respect the leaders.
    The authority the leaders have only exists because it is willfully granted by the people.
    The current people in the positions of leadership are evidently woefully ill informed about ancient history.

  3. So the changing of a flag means, the taking over of power and authority by a combative and superior force. Or, we are all fine to surrender to domestic tyranny. You folks really all ok with turning our state over to an unidentified authority? Stick to your roots people !! Red or white . Might just as well be a pirate flag. The meaning of it is the same. Such a shame, many died for not just the U.S. flag . But also the Minnesota flag. Everything fought for and earned by the previous generations now just means nothing. White flag for all the idiots that think this is ok.

  4. We all should be asking, by whom were we just takin’ over by? The changing of a flag definitely has a meaning. It’s not about cosmetics. Never met a farmer or a Native American yet that would be upset that they are honored in the depiction on our great state of Minnesota flag. If you are offended, leave the state. Go back to your own communist home. Stand proud of our Roots Minnesotans !!!! Fight for what is ours !!! Fight for us !!! Or leave !!!!!!!

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