Controlled Burn Causes Large Fire in Erskine, Minnesota on Friday Evening

ERSKINE, MN ( A large fire reported at Erskine, Minnesota Friday evening was a controlled burn.
Neil Berg here in erskine minnesota some 30 miles east of crookston on a friday evening uh here’s a photo sent in earlier looked like kind of a wild fire going here just on the outskirts of town but i’m told by the fire chief it was a controlled burn this was a cattail filled slough just on the east side of uh erskine and the cattails made for an explosive fire controlled burned oh it was a controlled burn yep any structures nope keep going oh okay no we were just to keep it away from these structures because this builds up cattails pretty thick oh okay lots of flames that people send in pictures and yeah whoa what’s going on yep so everything went as planned yes okay so if you were one of those driving down highway 2 on friday evening and saw that smoke in the air it was here a controlled burn of a cattail filled slough on the east side of erskine i’m neal carlson reporting for eye news dot tv

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