Congressional Push to Regulate Pharmacy Benefit Managers

WASHINGTON D.C. ( – A regional pharmacist has criticized Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) for keeping prescription drug prices high and contributing to the closure of local pharmacies. According to this pharmacist, PBMs control which drugs are available to pharmacies and set the prices, often leading to inflated costs for consumers and financial struggles for smaller pharmacies.

Government studies reveal that Americans pay approximately three times more for prescription drugs compared to other countries. The ongoing Congressional efforts aim to address these issues by regulating or even eliminating PBMs. Recently, PBM executives testified before a Congressional committee as part of the legislative process to address these concerns.

For those interested in supporting this cause, contacting your Congressional representatives to advocate for stricter regulations on PBMs could help lower prescription prices. Additional reports, including a critical review by the Federal Trade Commission, are available on various news platforms.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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