FULL DETAILS: Fertile, MN Teacher Facing Sex Crime Charges * Put On Administrative Leave
TODD COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A teacher from Fertile, Minnesota is facing sex crime charges in Todd County. According to court documents, he admitted to having sex with a 15-year old girl. Richard Schrom has been put on administrative leave from his teaching job.
This used to be one of my teachers
Truly crazy times when a teacher sexually interferes with the youth they are entrusted to develop in a positive manner. Sad.
Minnesota, we should seriously consider bringing the death penalty here…
when the punishment fits the crime, maybe we won't have issues with pedos and predators. until than, this is sick to watch.
What a pervert ! That part on Minnesota breeds some of the worst perverts !
Usual suspect…
Shame on him! A once trusted teacher, married and possibly a divorced man." Sorry, don't tell anyone," didn't work, coward! New identity as a child predator and inmate. Tasty home-cooked meals, roommates, shared showers, new clothes, and friends.
Wow, there's too many teachers pulling this crap these days. Glad my girl is going to a small private school.
Throw the book at him!
Wow Dick is f'd