Compelling Headline: Ukrainian Immigrant Shines as Nurse in Bemidji

BEMIDJI, MN ( We have a powerful statement from an immigrant from the Ukraine, who now works as a nurse in Bemidji, Minnesota.
uh Neil Berg here in bemidji at the bemidji woolen mills with another uh uh immigrant from the ukraine uh ola you say you’ve been here five years what do you do in bemidji uh hi guys uh i’m ola i live in bemidji for the last five and a half years i’m a local nurse in the local clinic and i’m actively participating in my community life but i have family in ukraine i want to tell you guys that uh for the last uh three days it’s uh something unbelievable is happening russian soldiers were they were light too uh they were told to come and save ukrainian people from uh genesis from nazi no nazi it’s a free country everybody is happy there and safe before uh putin uh told that they are attacking ukraine they shoot much much bigger majority of airports and now um everybody is just staying they’re going to fight some people of course are trying to escape of the country uh elderly maybe kids women but i want to say that my family staying and they are going to fight i’m from dimple petrovsk and all my friends and family they are not rats they’re not going to leave the country uh please um if you see this video uh let me tell you and just know that ukraine it’s a free country it’s a happy country my husband who is american he has been to ukraine multiple times and he can prove that it’s a safe country and we even had a plan like some people from minnesota go uh like snow birds for the winter time you were planning uh in future to go for winter time to ukraine because it’s a beautiful country it’s a beautiful safe place and i want to say that uh putin is lying uh putin for schulte with the point and i i spoke with my family multiple times today in the middle of conversation my sister screamed and she said it’s a siren i have to run downstairs and i have a little niece who’s three years old and they’re not it’s so scary it’s hard to believe that it’s happening in 21st century and i want to say please just nato america army please stop just talking and like talking about all these sanctions we need to stand and fight please i really i cannot even believe that it’s happening because it’s unbelievable unbelievable that one crazy older idiot who’s probably having dementia right now nobody can stop him okay thanks for talking to me best of luck to your family and friends sir thank you


  1. My American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ friends! Please pray for Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ and for my family!!!
    I am going to post more information on my page directly provided by my Ukrainian friends and familyβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  2. Unfortunately, she is in the same position in Ukraine that patriots are in in the US. She does not know what the Ukrainian government is doing and what corruption they are participating in. I feel for the common people of Ukraine. They are almost as helpless as Americans except we have our guns. Remember where the Clintons, Kerrys, Pelosis and Bidens crime families were running their corrupt operations out of and remember all the US Ukrainian corrupt A holes that testified LIES against our President in an attempt to impeach him for the crimes of the demonrats. I pray for her and her family but she is as clueless as some Americans are. Plus we have our own fish to fry and without Biden ginning up this conflict we would be closer to solving it. If she wants to blame someone for Putin's actions blame Biden and the WEF and their leader Klaus Schwab.

  3. George Soros says "We (whoever TF that is) should stand with Ukraine". What does that tell us? Perhaps you and your
    husband should return and fight instead of suggesting U.S. men go sacrifice their lives for your favorite country.

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