156 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH: MN Has Largest Mass Execution In U.S. History
MANKATO, MN (trfnews.i234.me) It was 156 years ago this month that the largest mass execution in United States history took place in Mankato, Minnesota.
Commemorating 156 Years: Minnesota’s Historical Mass Execution

Abrham Lincoln personally signed off on each person who was executed there. This was in retaliation for a brutal massacre/r*pe against mostly women and children while most of the white men were off fighting and dying in the war that ENDED SLAVERY for African Americans. The original plan was to execute nearly 400 people, but the number was brought down to 38.
358 non-combatant settlers were killed. No mention in this video. Why?
Sue ie
Just shows which type of people are satans kids periodt.
Sad DARK day in our history. Let us never repeat the past God please.
Exactly what needs to happen at Whitehouse. All the corruption an treason. The government screwed them over back then but they took it out on innocent women an children when the true villains hid in the Whitehouse time for accountability of corruption
Sickening and wrong! God bless the families of those executed….
The government needs to put on tral for war crimes.
The people they murdered where some of the most important leaders and power men
breaks my heart
Crazy there's 264 comments now 265 go old abe
Why don't we have. That area
Look at the different style of clothing looks like a new photo put into black an white
303 Were sentenced to get Hanged. The president stopped only 264 releasing them. So that mean there Only 38 Were Hung. Does that mean only 1 of the 39 That was supposed to Killed. Did he get away or died in jail or something lame
We humans are expert murderers
1962 the Governmeny has real time film. 38 Dakota hung. Now film wasn't developed bey 1889. Tell me how they had a 1900 movie camera record this. They Rewrite history so much its amazing. Ok they had picture of the Civil Way of Abtamah Lincon. You don't think the Gov Did have a moving picture 10 years latter? I say it on Utube. Aliens can you explain in your brain how so much information has been deleted? Serch: utah ufo 2013 hit send.
I notice I can't find the actual film. They had this in feal time what year was film devolped
At least you can find this much clip. American Censorshinp
Watch the m
The same thing is ongoing in Palestine today.
This is applied racisim by the federal goverment. Men a wemon and children. They were all singing a honor song and a traveling songs. Five days prior to this murdering the president freed the slaves. Vicious racist back then. Terrible just terrible. What a crime by a president.
I think it's time to set the record straight with pedofiles and our crouppt politicians