Clearwater County Sheriff Opposes Upcoming Minnesota Gun Legislation

BAGLEY, MN ( The Sheriff of Clearwater County, Minnesota is speaking out against pending firearm legislation in the State Legislature.
the Clearwater County Sheriff Darren Halverson out of Bagley Minnesota is uh protesting Uh current pending gun legislation in the Minnesota Legislature in a letter to state representative Matt Bliss he says quote I am writing you with deep concern over some of the proposed gun bills traveling through the legislature most concerning HF 396 firearm and ammunition storage requirements as a responsible gun owner I feel the proposed Bill completely oversteps the state authorities in enacting a law that is extremely intrusive on individual rights responsible gun owners do not need to be told by the government how to properly store a firearm that was from Sheriff Halverson uh the bill HF 396 says in part reasonable action requires a firearm to be stored unloaded with a locking device and separately from its ammunition it would be listed as a misdemeanor charge carrying a maximum penalty of 18 months in prison and or a five thousand dollar fine Sheriff Halverson goes on to talk about in the enforcement of such legislation quote in outstate Minnesota almost every home has a firework firearm how does the state think this law would be enforced one would have to have a search warrant for every residence to ensure compliance with the law which would be a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment as Sheriff one of my responsibilities is is to protect the citizens I served against violations of their constitutional rights this law would be a direct violation of those rights unquote I’m the old Carlson reporting for


  1. How about a similar law where you would be penalized for NOT locking your vehicle door. This would prevent criminals from stealing items from you vehicle, and even your vehicle. It can be enforced by police wasting taxpayers time and money by going around checking doors. sarcasm

  2. So how are you supposed to store a weapon for self protection in your home? Have it locked up so when a intruder comes in you have to tell the intruder wait a min so I can unlock my gun and get my ammo. Do you need a conceal and carry permit to have something hidden in your home?

  3. Thank God these sheriff's are realizing the power they actually have and adhering to the oath they took. The globalists are running out country into the ground and slowing stealing our rights while they do it. Sheriff's can arrest anyone even the President. They are the last line of defense are republic has, before it falls on We The People to straighten this out. They don't want that till they have taken are God giving right to bear arms. The whole reason it's in our constitution is for these very times. Enforcing the law could end this all. So many violations of oath, along numerous other crimes. We know they did it, you know they did it, they know they did it. It's up to our sheriff's to do something about it!

  4. That Sheriff is correct, all of them took the oath to protect and defend the constitution. Any that don’t, need to be voted into flipping burgers and working the fryer!

  5. Can’t be a misdemeanor if the fine/ prison time is $5000 and 18 months confinement. Those are felony punishments. Misdemeanor is 90 days in jail and a $1000 fine. Bill is totally unconstitutional

  6. Quick, someone attach an amendment that says if you are a registered Democrat, then you aren't allowed to own or possess firearms. You are not allowed to have natural gas in your homes and you shall be taxed at 45% income tax rate. You must use mass transit or electric vehicles and your electric usage will not be more than 300 kw per month per person in the household. You are like drowning humans grasping and drowning everyone else. Make your own little insane Metroland and keep the rest of us out of it.

  7. The point of the bill isn't to search people's homes. It will be to punish people after the fact. If a kid brings a gun to school or kills their neighbor's dog because mom and dad didn't secure their firearm then there is recourse.

  8. If they're sincere about reducing violence, they need the courage to address the source of the issue. The identifiable few percent of society who are remorseless violent psychopaths who have no desire to conform to the expectations of a civil community. Laws like this will have zero impact on the behavior of most of the individuals who are a threat to society.

    The people promoting this are thus either clueless, or insincere.

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