CLEARBROOK, MN ( The latest information regarding an early Monday morning plane crash in Clearbrook, Minnesota, including the identity of the pilot.
Clearbrook, Minnesota Plane Crash: Pilot’s Identity Revealed

CLEARBROOK, MN ( The latest information regarding an early Monday morning plane crash in Clearbrook, Minnesota, including the identity of the pilot.
Flying at night in bad weather in a small single engine plane is never a good idea. Wait til tomorrow, arrive alive.
And a nice wide road, if there were no vehicular traffic …. Landing in afternoon … To Bad.
Not a military trained professional. Not a multi engine jet aircraft with current maintenance credentials. Not decent weather. You're practically dead already. If you were a faithful pastor, at least you get to have a reunion dinner with Jesus.
Single engine at night. Though doable, and I’ve done plenty of it, does increase the risk. Wishing the Pastor a speedy recovery.
You can tell the kind of maintenance it gets just by looking at the propeller
WHY are you flying in the middle of the night ?! What is so important?
Reminds of the PILOT COWBOY I flew with over Michigan lake in the 70's in a MAJOR storm. He had already totaled a plane crashing in bad weather into the side of a mountain in Tennessee. YEA HAA!!!! Go get em professional and well trained pilot. OH ONE WITH GREAT WISDOM.
Oh!! by the way, my dad was a Lutheran pastor for 70 years and younger brother still is…they would …scorn me for my attitude.
Have family that live in Bemidji for literally 100 years. They probably know of you. DO HOPE GOD HEALS AND COMFORTS YOU. I have had as a pilot to many BAD experiences by terrible decisions.
Pilot error and lack of competent flying what an idiot
Single engine at night…No Bueno!

12:45 AM.
Pastor's flight plan: meet his Maker. Mission failed.
No of the things mentioned are the true cause of the crash. They are just contributing factors. The real cause was his terrible aeronautical decision making. Taking of in a light single engine plane in the dark is questionable in and of itself, doing so in bad weather is undoubtedly a bad Idea. And he did it all single pilot no less. Luckily he survived his bad decisions. Most pilots aren't so lucky. Don't do this.
Instrument rating or no? That is the question ….and IFR proficient
It's the old "pick one" rule for me….night, IMC, bad weather. Personally I don't fly IMC at night, I'll go in VMC at night, but not bad weather or IMC conditions. But that's just me, we all need to have our personal minimums.
Sometimes I am amazed at the judgements that recliner pilots make on how crashes happen from evidence on YouTube videos. Anyone that does this knows nothing about flying.
Was this bad weather or very bad weather? If it had the potential for very bad weather no pilot in a small single engine plane should fly through it regardless of day or night or anything else.
Hopefully he has a full recovery soon
Obviously his copilots wasn’t by his side on that flight. Mr Jesus and Mr God was busy doing more important things.
Blue tarps hide something you really don’t need to see!

Evidently God was not his co-pilot.
Looks like he had engine failure and tried to land on the road.
Many things work against one staying in the air. Fuel remaining, bad weather, visibility, darkness are some of these things.