Child Pornography Charge in Ramsey County, North Dakota

EDMORE, ND ( An Edmore, North Dakota man is facing a child porn charge. Fifty-two year old Matthew James Young was charged with Possession of Certain Material Prohibited, following a Thursday afternoon search of his home in Edmore.
a cyber tip led to the search and arrest of an ed Moore North Dakota man at his home out in Ramsey County on Thursday afternoon on a child porn charge 52-year-old Matthew James Young of Edmore has been charged with felony possession of certain materials prohibited according to court documents he was allegedly in possession of a phone that had images of adults having sex with children one of those images according to court documents shows an adult male having sex with an 8 to 12 year old female and he has his hand on the girl’s throat appearing to be choking her I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. I guess he is not rich. Denny Sanford got off because they said they could not verify how the child porn got on his electronic equipment. They seem to have trouble tracking things like that when the person is rich.

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