Charges Dropped Against Duluth Music Teacher

DULUTH, MN ( Charges against a Duluth, Minnesota music teacher have been dropped, after his attorney said the student made a false statement about him touching her.
a horrible Injustice for a Deluth music teacher uh the St Louis county attorney’s office has dropped all charges against John hor shimer after a review of new evidence uh it’s reported his attorney said the uh student made a false accusation against him originally saying he touched her inappropriately in a hallway again all charges dropped against John horkheimer music teacher in duth after a student made a false accusation we’ve reached out to him and have an open line to let him give his side of the story in this uh terrible Injustice to him I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. This is one of those cases which point out the need to consider everyone INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW. Be careful because you wouldn't want to have it switched on you.

  2. My own defense lawyer calls this "the process". I'm more inclined to think it's more like "the Processing". like an Abbatoir. Accusations are easy; sorting them out doesn't end well, no matter.

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