WARNING, GRAPHIC DRUG USE: Kinky Sex, Drugs & Assault
POLK COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We now have details behind a bizarre tip TRF News received on February 23, 2021. An Oklee, Minnesota man is now facing a string of criminal charges.
Caution: Explicit Content – Kinky Sex, Drug Use & Assault

He must've needed help getting that thing outta back there.
this guy rules
it is getting weirder every day in this region
Wtf! I bet they let him vote too… that would be explain Minnesota's elections.
Hold on, so he soaked a tampon in meth and then put it up his butt? Sheesh when does it end.
Have to give credit to L.E..O. & medical people that have to 'care' for these types. It must be tempting to want to go ahead & let them finish their application for a 'Darwin Award'.
Gross! Is this guy a friend of Ed Buck by any chance?
There’s no
watering down on I newZ baby baby