Caution: Disturbing Content – Full Footage of Fargo Police Shooting on July 14, 2023

WARNING! GRAPHIC CONTENT: The Complete Fargo Police Shooting Videos, July 14, 2023

FARGO, ND ( The Fargo Police Department has released video of a July 14, 2023 shooting in that city, which killed 1 officer and the shooter, and wounded 2 other officers, along with 1 civilian wounded. These are the complete collection of videos released by the Fargo Police Department.


  1. Wow…this is jacked up, i can't watch again but probably will, i can't fathom the rage of a soul who mostly likely worked hard, went through training, surely had a life earned a badge then get taken out without a second to defend themselves, damit this makes me mad, im already fed up with the world then i see this, death is coming to us all but this was just so out of line, out of nowhere, unpredictable, despicable and so unnecessary…Damit…..

  2. This POS was preparing for a mass shooting. He had suitcases with weapons, tactical weapons and gear etc- AK-47, shotgun, pistols, ammunition. All because he was AFRAID of getting deported back to Syria.

    How is an asylum seeker able to get his hands so freely and easily on weapons of mass destruction???? USA is such a backwards country. You let these types of ppl in, just to ruin your country.

    As sad as this is, those cops unintentionally probably saved many innocent lives that day.

  3. This is just crazy!! And sad!! They were going to get info for a accident!! What the hell…this is just….i dont even know what to say!! Prayer to the families…im so sorry this happened!😢

  4. The saddest part of this to me was that poor lady who was just in the accident who was shot also. RIP officer. Of course if she'd have been paying attention this accident wouldn't have happened, then nothing would have happened.

  5. In reality all of this could of been avoided Fr. I hate all of these people that calls 911 for a simple bumper to bumper crash and then decide to just stay on the road fuckiing up the traffic . No need for police unless you think the other driver is UI

  6. I'm so confused of what even happened. Because this dude had nothing to do with the accident. All of a sudden, his car just appears. And then he
    Randomly does this. Like was he thinking they were coming for him or something? I'm so confused of who he even was. He wasn't even there to begin with, from the beginning of the accident. He was fighting with all of his might. That's sad. I knew from the looks of those 2 cops. They were not ready for no serious situation. So I'm so confused of why this dude did this. He just randomly pulls up. Has nothing to do.
    With the accident, the officers have nothing to do with him. They're going to a completely different car to talk to people. And he does all of this craziness. I guess there's no back story because he's dead. So he couldn't tell why he did what he did. But it's like what in the world happened.

  7. When bodycam shows the sky for more than 3 seconds & there's no talking or movement, the soul has left the body – RIP. You didn't even know you were walking towards danger…Condolences to his family, friends & the Thin Blue Line…

  8. I see a lot of comment saying that his religion told to the suspect to kill. But it is not true. It is not the religion, but himself. It is very easy to just take some sentences here and there on a book, and pretend after that it was in it. Remember that it was exactly the same for the Croisade. It is easy to manipulate mentally weak people, transforming them into cold blood killer. Ear me right, it do not mean that killers are victims. They chose too believe lies and to pull the trigger. I would love to saw their face when they will realize that the gate in front of them will not be the heaven ones… too late to say "If only I knew…" This people leave behind them a blood path, broken families, inconsolable mothers and wives/husband/girlfriends/boyfriends. They make their kind looking bad too. That type of people are so far gone into their madness that they do not even understand that what they do penalizes the cause they claim to defend. Nothing good can born from blood bath. Only the devil. And they served Him perfectly.

  9. This is exactly how unarmed blacks are killed shocked for no reason after looking at these officers disciplinary records and it's rather obvious that something came back to haunt them it looks like the rooster came back to roost one of its own

  10. This is so sad to watch…My father was a cop and I would be terrified for him to be one in this day and age- I'm glad he is retired now but sadly something like this can happen just walking down the street nowadays. RIP to those who lost their lives❤

  11. GQP can pat themselves on the back for this one! Why would you ever need to have a caseload of arms, including weapons of war? Oh yeah, the right to bear arms, under all circumstances at the expense of law enforcement!

  12. Oh they reported this, it’s just that a. There is so much violence in this country that any one incident usually won’t stand out and b. you are all Repukelicans who want to crap on the media

  13. We all know what this was and why most of us never heard about it rip buddy and to the civilian hope the rest make a full recovery and the shooter is smoldering as we speak you can see him drive by stalking them at 7:40 parking and laying in wait….be prepared folks and try and stay vigilant

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