Car crashes into Pro Palestine rally in Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( A car drove into a pro Palestine rally in Minneapolis this weekend.
* Video: Unicorn Riot
in one of the many pro Palestine rallies in Minneapolis this weekend opposing the attacks between Israel and Hamas a car drove through a group of protesters Sunday police say protesters were rallying on a bridge that runs over I94 in luren Park in Minneapolis with some blocking some traffic and causing disturbances a video can uh filmed by a witness shows a driver driving through the rally after confronting protesters police say they know why the vehicle drove through the crowd but did not release the reason to the public


  1. Comments on this video act like it was the drivers fault. This is not a protest. You cannot block roads and disrupt the lives of others. These people messing with his car need to pay for damages and others arrested where are the police?

  2. The Bible teaches that a time will come when all wars will end with the establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth. This promise is found in Isaiah 2:4, which states, "They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore." This vision of a world free from conflict and warfare is a fundamental hope for many Christians. It shows a future where God's righteous rule will bring about peace, unity, and harmony among all nations.

    ANY DAY NOW, Satan the devil will authorize Mr. Gutierrez and his fellow beastly members to get all world leaders to end the wars in their countries. We will hear when they are saying, β€œPeace and security!” (1 Thessalonians 5.3). Are you ready for what is coming in a brief moment? The next step in these world events will be the declaration of world peace by the United Nations. The Pope will stand with them in this false sense of security. After a short period of this lie, world leaders will agree to remove all conflicts to maintain PEACE. They will destroy false religion (Babylon the Great) around the world all at once.

    This attack will mark the initial start of the great tribulation. Cities will cry in agony and torment will be heard in the streets, malls, and homes. Things are about to get uglier. Are you ready brothers and sisters? πŸŽ’ Have your go bag ready and keep it by the door to grab at the drop of a dime because poop is about to hit the fan with world events. We might even see a nuke launched. But God will not allow a full-scale nuclear war and have men destroy the planet and its people. The [good news] of Armageddon is at hand! ❀️πŸ₯°

    Armageddon will [save] earth and those faithful people who put their trust in the true living God of the Bible, Jehovah!

  3. Fawking idiots!!!

    If they are that concerned about Palestine they can take a flying fawk over there & get in the fight.

    Protesting & blocking traffic over here does nothing for the cause.

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