Brutal Assault on Main Avenue: Suspect Arrested After Gruesome Attack

Ahmed Hassan

FARGO, N.D. ( – In the early hours of Sunday, a man was found lying on Main Avenue, bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth. He told police that his attacker had threatened to “rip his face off.”

Fargo Police swiftly identified Ahmed Hassan as the suspect and arrested him for aggravated assault and robbery. The attack occurred around 5 a.m. in the 700 block of Main Avenue.

According to the victim, Hassan approached him asking for a layer to cover up. When the victim refused, Hassan assaulted him, wrapping a chain around his fist and viciously attacking the victim’s face, mouth, and eyes.

Upon his arrest, Hassan was found in possession of the victim’s cane. Although he claimed self-defense, witnesses corroborated the victim’s account of the attack.

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