Brooklyn Center Protestors Exhibit Actions Contrary to Peaceful Intentions

BROOKLYN CENTER, MN ( Operation Safety Net, the group tasked with keeping Minneapolis protestors peaceful confiscated items that served no peaceful intent.
this is video from last sunday in brooklyn center of some protests by the police station there were protests again last night this now in from operation safety net the group of government agencies tasked with keeping the protest post uh peaceful uh quote most protesters who gathered friday evening in brooklyn center were vocal but peaceful others most of whom arrived after nine pm brought items that indicated a peaceful protest was not their intent items thrown at law enforcement confiscated from protesters are recovered after the scene are shown here they include bags of rocks plywood shields helmets paint canned foods and containers of milk and umbrellas i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Nothing about any “protest” in the last year plus has been even close to peaceful. I live here and have to board up the places these people destroy. Last year a lady tried to run me over in her car on the 2nd day of the Floyd riots. Lake st is still destroyed to this day. I didn’t vote for this. I had to just move away. I still have to work here but I don’t live here anymore so that’s good. I don’t think I’m gonna go to work next week since a verdict is coming I’m sure these people won’t like

  2. I live in this area and I can tell you for a fact this is a mostly peaceful protest and people are for the most part just gathering in Mass nonviolently until about 9:30 10:00 when they are supposed to be going home and that's when they start acting a fool. Then there is no reason not to call it a riot.

  3. Yes all planted at the scene ,like everything the police do unlawfully .How about sticking maybe to the actual story ,killing of a child ,or is that not a story for I News ,oh forgot his life means nothing to your state sanctioned pro right wing divisionist company you call a news chanel .Blame the victims .

  4. See this is a big problem and is going to create a strong and aggressive police response. It must needs be that way. You can't have a population set fire to a police station, not unless you're looking for a crackdown by the police and the National Guard. And you just might want to consider, though you probably don't care, that the kind of violence being expressed by "protestors" is falling right into the playbook of White Nationalists ( aka Nazis) and the future Fascists of America.

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