UPDATE: Parents Arrested, 2 Children Suffer Frostbite In Incident By Finley, North Dakota
FINLEY, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update regarding our report of a vehicle fire and 2 extremely cold children near Fiinley, North Dakota early Christmas morning. The parents have been arrested and the children suffered minor frostbbite.
BREAKING: Parents Arrested and Two Children Injured by Frostbite in Finley, North Dakota Incident

Tweekers gonna tweek.
Oh those precious children!
I’d bet a donut, drugs or alcohol or both are involved.
No brains No headaches
You run out of gas at 3-4 am with 2 children 1 & 3….sorry but there was a substance involved ESP when you leave them behind to go look…nope, very negligent parenting.
My kids are all in their teens and I still wouldn't f**** leave them alone in any kind of situation like that
Them two kids need to go to somebody else and the parents to be put in jail for being completely stupid cuz you know you can't fix stupid
I just hope everyone was vaccinated!!
Best Christmas present those kids will ever get.