BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Suspects Pulled From Attic In Emerado, ND

EMERADO, ND ( – We have an update regarding the arrest of a man and woman in Emerado, North Dakota, on this Monday afternoon. The pair had to be pulled from the attic after a prolonged standoff.

Emerado Police Chief Dan Lund reported that the incident began when he attempted to execute arrest warrants for Billy Johnson and Ariauna Williams. The duo refused to come out of the house, prompting Chief Lund to call in sheriff’s deputies for assistance. The situation escalated when Johnson and Williams hid in the attic.

The high temperatures exacerbated the situation, particularly in the confined attic space. Williams began complaining of breathing difficulties, necessitating the arrival of an ambulance to check her condition.

Despite the complications, both Billy Johnson and Ariauna Williams were eventually apprehended on probation violation charges. Their court records indicate previous drug convictions.

I’m Casey Rivers reporting for

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