BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Missing Person Located in Clearwater County, MN, Condition Unknown

CLEARWATER COUNTY, MN ( A search that began in Clearwater County, Minnesota Saturday night ended around noon on this Sunday. The missing person has been located. No word on their condition yet.
* Check back soon for more details.
Neil Berg here in southern Clearwater County Minnesota um just been told that uh just after noon here on a Sunday that a search for a missing person is over uh the person has been located uh no word yet on their condition um the search started uh last night it was about 8:30 person was reported uh Missing by Robinson Lake uh a state patrol plane had been circling the area all night with the infrared camera as we showed you in an earlier report and the person now located uh no word yet on their condition hoping to talk with Sheriff helverson here shortly and have an update for you in Clearwater County Minnesota I’m Neil Berg reporting for I

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