BREAKING NEWS: North Dakota Reports 13 New Coronavirus Cases This Thursday

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota is now reporting 13 new cases of Coronavirus on this Thursday.
good afternoon we got a full update today so we’re going to jump right into the case update today the North Dakota Department of Health confirmed 13 additional cases of the novel coronavirus disease or Ovid 19 5 from Burleigh County 3 from Stark County 2 from Cass County and one each from McIntosh McHenry and word counties that takes us from 45 where we were yesterday with that 13 our biggest increase yet in daily positive counts to 58 11 of those individuals are hospitalized in context you know how this fits in nationally were weeks behind where some other states are but the u.s. now has topping eighty thousand cases and over a thousand deaths today so we’re still trailing Spain and Italy in terms of number of deaths but were also behind them in terms of the curve being on the National Governors Association call today including with President Trump and vice president pence and other leaders it’s apparent that other governors that are further into this are running into very stress situations for in terms of medical supplies and hospital beds and particularly intensive care hospital beds that have ventilators and appropriate staffing so we continue to work around the clock on a planning standpoint here in North Dakota taking all of this very seriously as everybody in the state should be as of noon today we still had 1390 collection kits at the Department of Health lab ready to send out to places it might be requesting them we had the ability to run here in the lab when those kits come back in over 3300 patient tests so again we have right now the ability to do more testing than we have been doing in North Dakota but we did have another good day with 306 tests coming in that brings the north dakota totals up to 2000 261 people that have been a test that again with 58 positive and 11 of those hospitalized I there was yesterday a brief discussion we do report this by county there have been some folks a lot of discussion on social media saying oh that person is not in our County we can only report this based on the addresses that people have when they that they provide when they do their testing but I should just remind people it doesn’t really matter whether or not the there’s zero positives reported in a county or not because by the end of next week it’s likely to assume we should just assume if you look at other places the way the rate of spread is that we will have positive cases in every county in the state we should just assume that that’s where we’re going to be going

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