Breaking News: Norman County, MN Experiences Pursuit, Vehicle Fire, and Manhunt

NORMAN COUNTY, MN ( Pursuit, vehicle fire and now manhunt in Norman County, Minnesota.
Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of norman county minnesota we’ve had a pursuit vehicle fire and now a manhunt i’m on highway 75 just a couple miles south of the polk county line into norman county this would be just south of neilsville or some 24 miles south of crookston you’re looking south now up there along uh highway 75 we had a vehicle fire here’s what i know so far uh scanner traffic um a suspect vehicle was coming this direction towards us northbound from south of here and apparently ran a stop sign and took off when a deputy tried to pull him over speeds reached over a hundred miles per hour and in this area the suspect’s uh car vehicle apparently started on fire he stopped got out and took off running and now a manhunt is underway he’s apparently out in this corn field you can see some of the law enforcement uh right there uh it sounded like they were bringing in two canines a drone and extra law enforcement as they uh search this uh field here uh to the right to the west of where the vehicle started on fire they were bringing in extra agencies we’ve got norman county here in polk county deputies uh helping out in this search now it’s not known if the suspect was armed or or not but again as i said i think they have a drone up in the air a couple of canines were being brought in and deputies have set up a perimeter around the uh corn field here again just a quick recap we had a pursuit of a vehicle up highway 75 this is just south of nielsville into norman county uh the suspect vehicle caught on fire the suspect got out and took off running into this corn field and the perimeter is now set up to try and capture the suspect a description i heard was about five six or five seven with a black t-shirt so i will keep you updated as to what happens i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. U had to use the buzzword manhunt didn't you? I doubt this is reinbold, but 5"7 matches the height… I doubt it is him cuz he wouldn't run a red light at all…but hiding out in a cornfield would be something he would do. Likely some other guy though…

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