BREAKING NEWS: Murder Suspect Possibly Captured on Camera, Latest Updates on the Search

OKLEE, MN ( Law enforcement conducted more searches for murder suspect Eric Reinbold around rural Oklee, Minnesota today. Searches have been concentrated around his parent’s home, after an unconfirmed report he was seen on a trail camera in that areaa.
we have new information regarding the search for murder suspect eric reinbold of rural oakley minnesota he’s suspected of killing his wife a week ago friday and he’s been on the run word around here is that reinbold may have been seen on a trail camera in this area northeast of oakley by his parents home tuesday night i talked with sheriff mitch bernstein who says he cannot confirm that bit of information but on this wednesday there was a large law enforcement presence here along with dogs searching this area again that’s eric reinbold’s parents home on the right side of your screen and a shack back there in the trees is where a search was happening this wednesday law enforcement was also searching around here tuesday night and while sheriff bernstein says he can’t confirm whether reinbold was caught on camera law enforcement has now searched this area several times but at the start of this wednesday evening the sheriff says the searches continue and reinbold has not been found i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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