BREAKING NEWS: Government Agencies Confirm No Foreign Government Interference in 2020 Election

WASHINGTON D.C. ( A report just released says no foreign governments had any influence in the outcome of the 2020 …
the fbi has just released a report that says no evidence was found that a foreign government manipulated any election results it reads in part the department of justice and department of homeland security including the fbi and cyber security and infrastructure security agency released today key findings and recommendations from a joint report to the president issued last month on the impact of foreign governments and their agents on the security and integrity of the 2020 u.s federal elections the departments investigated multiple public claims that one or more foreign governments owned directed or controlled election infrastructure used in the 2020 federal elections implemented a scheme to manipulate election infrastructure or tallied changed or otherwise manipulated vote counts the department found that those claims were not credible now we have a link to the full report on our facebook page i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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